Forensic Technology – Projectina
Forensic Technology pioneered automated ballistic identification and analysis over 20 years ago and
continues to be a leader in forensic ballistic and firearm identification technologies.
In 2011, Forensic Technology acquired Projectina AG, a world leader in the development and
manufacture of forensic science products and high-end optical components for over 60 years.
Projectina’s offerings cover three broad product categories to complement Forensic Technology’s core
competencies in ballistics: microscopes, document examination and forensic crime scene products.
Forensic Technology and Projectina currently partner with hundreds of public safety agencies in nearly 70 countries, providing cost-effective and sustainable solutions. Forensic Technology is customer-driven, with a worldwide, 24/7 customer support network and dedicated training facilities. Together, Forensic Technology and Projectina offer a vast range of products, tools and services tailored to meet your
forensic needs.
Product categories
- Comparison and digital microscopes
- Documents examination systems
- Crime scene investigation