
  • Banknotes and ID Documents

  • traffic safety

  • Forensic Equipment

  • Special Equipment

  • Drugs and Explosives Detection

MRG Export-Import d.o.o.

Living in today’s modern world, the development of modern society has brought us many advantages to everyday life. However it has also brought us new challenges like for instance terrorism, cyberwar, international drug cartels and international human trafficking rings. Everything is becoming more international and unfortunately crime is as well. As a result security has become one of the most important topics of our society both on the private as well as on the governmental level.

Governmental institutions are faced with the need to adopt to those changes fast. Keeping pace with technological trends, educating people and the exchange of experience on the global and regional level is a mandatory requirement for possession of an efficient security system. MRG’s mission is to bring state-of-the art technology and the extensive experience of our partners to this region and to ensure that the authorities have the proper tools to deal with the daily challenges they are faced with.

Our partners

Logo Digital Ally
Logo Drunkbusters
Logo OVD Kinegram member of KURZ Group
Logo Kurz Gruppe
Logo Laser Atlanta
Logo Limestone
Logo Mistra Group
Logo MPH Industries
Logo Novo
Logo Projektina
Logo Morpho
Logo Septier
Logo Sirchie
Logo Trueb
Logo Unival Group
Logo Zetos


Event in domain of road traffic safety: Youthfulness not foolishness

6th August 2014 – Morning informational program on the first channel of National Television of Serbia was partly dedicated to subject of using the special goggles for simulation and review of drunk people  unawareness under the joint program and campaign for prevention of alcohol abuse  in road traffic named “Mladost ne Ludost” (“Youthfulness not foolishness”). Following […]

Redflex system presented at the Traffic Safety Conference in Novi Sad

A two-day expert seminar “Traffic Safety in the local community”, dedicated to road safety improvement on the local level has been held at the new building of the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad, on June 25-27th 2014. During the seminar, experts presented latest studies from the field of traffic safety, as well as […]

Do not drink and drive

Center for Road Safety Promotion has carried out the project “Do not drink and drive” that primarily deals with the problem of driving under the influence of alcohol in the population of young drivers. Within the project, in addition to lectures, implemented and demonstration exercises in which they used special glasses to simulate three different degrees of drunkenness […]