Blast Management Systems

Karil International is a world leader in blast containment technologies. We design and manufacture products ranging from semi-confined blast containment trash receptacles to fully confined blast containment vessels that can withstand explosive threats.

Blast Containment Receptacles (BCRs)

Blast Containment Receptacles (BCRs)

Blast Containment Receptacles (BCRs)

Karil International’s BCRs can be found in airports, bus and train stations as well as high-traffic tourist areas worldwide. BCRs provide 360° lateral protection against fragmentation and blast pressure and are utilized as a regular trash can in public areas.

BCR models

  • BCR 0.5
  • BCR L1
  • BCR L2
  • BCR L3
  • BCR L4
  • BCR L5
  • ProtecTable


  • Protects against multiple threat levels of explosives
  • An ideal counter-terrorism security device for venues that draw large public gatherings that may become a soft target for terrorist activities
  • BCRs meet the new ASTM standards (E2740, E2639)
  • Safety Act-Approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Explosive Storage Vessels

Golan 10i Explosive Storage Vessel

Explosive Storage Vessels

Karil International’s Golan series provides full protection against blast and fragmentation and its patented design is proven to safely contain, store, transport and protect explosives.

Storage models:

  • Golan 0.03
  • Golan 3
  • Golan 10
  • Golan 15
  • Golan 45


  • Shortest safety distance approved in the industry
  • IBD and PTR no more than six feet
  • DDESB-Approved product


Total Containment Vessels

Total Containment Vessels

Total Containment Vessels

Karil International’s Total Containment Vessel product line, ARC, provides full protection against blast and fragmentation with repeated detonation capability. Some of the ARC models are Gas-Tight. The Blastsafe ARC Series is widely used by the Military EOD and Police Bomb Squads for safely containing and transporting explosive devices. The Gas-Tight models are capable of containing biological/chemical


  • ARC-5
  • ARC-5GT
  • ARC-8GT
  • ARC-10GT


  • DDESB-Approved product (ARC-5 and ARC10)
  • Eliminating risk by safely containing and transporting explosives
